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Feeding Fido or Fifi is costly!

Try free dog food samples to find the best food for your hungry canine!

The cost of just about everything we buy is getting – well, ridiculous. Along with people food, the cost of pet food just adds to the budget-busting factor. To the rescue – at least, in the dog food department – are free dog food samples, yours for the asking. We see all the regular TV ads, all of which promise a well-balanced diet for your beloved dog. The thing is, buying a 40-pound bag of dog food can set your wallet back significantly … and what if Fido or Fifi just plain doesn't care for that particular blend of nutritiousness? On top of that, what if the dog food doesn't deliver the shiny coat or the wellness and robust health you've paid dearly for? Free dog food samples are not only abundantly available online, but give you the opportunity to compare the quality and likeability with your unique canine's taste buds.

To get an idea of how many manufacturers are providing potential customers with free dog food samples, just Google it! Entering 'free dog food samples' as your query yields more than 3.5 million results. Remember, every pet food manufacturer is in fierce competition with their peers in the industry to capture your pet food business. Therefore, a company that does not make such an offer is automatically behind in the competition.

Your search inquiry results may surprise you: on the first couple of pages, you'll find many of the 'big name' corporate manufacturers, along with many other less well known brands, especially in the area of natural pet foods. You can ask your vet for a recommendation on a brand which is perhaps particularly suited to the nutritional needs of your breed or mix of dog. Your vet can probably give you a leaflet or other type of info sheet which details the general components a dog food should contain, in order to provide the nutrients for your dog's optimum health. Take this rule-of-thumb info and compare different brands, both for quality and cost.

You'll be sure to come up with several promising dog foods, for which free dog food samples are available. Most offers will require that you fill out a form, register on their site or some other such 'non-invasive' information collection. Be sure you check their 'privacy policy' so that you don't end up with lots of spam resulting from manufacturers who sell, share or rent your information with other related companies.

On the other hand, in many cases, manufacturers will tuck a coupon or two in with your free dog food samples, as a further incentive for you to try a bag, hoping you'll become a loyal customer. It is their business!

For just a few minutes of your time, you can collect a number of free dog food samples. Think of how happy your pooch will be, trying them all out. You'll be happy knowing you've made a good choice for your pet's health! Bon Appetit to all you pooches!

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