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Going about Choosing the Right Dog when you Live in an Apartment

What do you need to think about before you settle on a particular breed of dog? Certainly, you may love how a chow-chow how looks so cute and fluffy. But is it going to be happy in the confined area of a city apartment? There are dogs that are never happy unless they have a lot of space. Many behavioral problems in dogs show up just because the dogs happen to be poorly matched to their environment.  What you need to consider if you are an apartment dweller and you need to go about choosing the right dog for your home?

Have you ever been to one of those appliance stores where they sell everything apartment sized – little dishwashers and washing machines, little refrigerators and so on? Why apartment co-op boards and landlords often have rules about the size of dog they allow you to keep. But if you don't have any of these restrictions to deal with, your decision choosing the right dog doesn't really have to take size into consideration. You need to look closely at other things though – such as how much activity a breed of dog is likely to need. You also want to consider how sociable a breed he is and how quiet he is.

If you have your heart set on an active dog like a pitbull, you could still manage to get it all the exercise he needs. But you do need to think long and hard about whether you're willing to go out of your way to give your dog a lot of play time. In an apartment, a small dog like a terrier may be a lot easier to exercise than a large dog. And if the whole exercise lifestyle isn't for you, you could always a less active breed of dog – like a greyhound (yes, really).

Choosing the right dog is also about the kind of mental activity he is capable of. Smart, mentally active dogs, can go out of their minds if they don't have much to do around a small apartment. They'll just go and express all that pent-up mental energy by destroying your furniture. They may also bark a lot and annoying other neighbors. You need to think about how much mental stimulation you are willing to provide. If you don’t see yourself indulging your dog in this kind of activity, you should probably leave Jack Russell Terriers alone.

Other dogs are territorial in nature. Indeed Pugs and Labradors happen to be very sociable and not very territorial. A Rottweiler won’t make you very popular around your complex.

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