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Six game giveaway marks Batman Day for Epic Games Store

a flock of seagulls flying in the sky: Epic Games had been secretive about the contents of a Batman Week giveaway until it went live. © Epic Games / Warner Bros Epic Games had been secretive about the contents of a Batman Week giveaway until it went live.

The Epic Games Store, set up by wealthy "Fortnite" developer Epic Games, continues its weekly program of computer game giveaways with the "Lego Batman" and "Batman Arkham" trilogies, available until September 26.

The three "Lego Batman" games and three "Batman Arkham" games are being given away to existing and new account holders by the Epic Games Store.

It's a giveaway that arrives just ahead of DC Comics' Batman Day for 2019, September 21.

The six-pack freebie lasts until September 26, after which another set of games will be offered.

The "Batman Arkham" pack consists of"Batman: Arkham Asylum" (2009), "Batman: Arkham City" (2011), and "Batman: Arkham Knight" (2015).

It omits "Batman: Arkham Origins" (2013), which was developed by a different studio and poorly received at launch, even though its reputation has been somewhat rehabilitated over time.

Epic is also expected to put on a Batman event within its runaway success -- the console, computer and mobile phone game "Fortnite."

Free game giveaways have been a feature of Epic Games' marketing drive since December 2018, when the store opened, and the program has enabled users to build up a digital library of well-received games.

Epic benefits from a larger install base, or at least a proportion of "Fortnite" users who are visiting the Epic Games Store front page on a regular basis.

The company persuades large publishers and indie developers to sell through its storefront by offering them guaranteed revenue.

Exclusives, whether permanent or temporary, can then drive more customers to the Epic Game Store, though the policy has been controversial both among PC gaming fans and for some developers who doubt its long-term benefits and Epic's endgame intentions.

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