If you've been looking for a reason to play as John Wick again in Fortnite, Epic Games gave you a reason with the return of Wick's Bounty LTM. The mode was a pretty popular one back when John Wick: Chapter 3 was released in theaters earlier this year. Now you get to head back in as Mr. Wick, Rook, and two more characters in suits to face off for some awesome rewards. No word as to how long it will last as the devs weren't entirely clear about it on Twitter. So take advantage of this short Fortnite revival as much as you can and collect all the rewards before it vanishes twice!

Players get to play their character while having ether the John Wick body (male skins), or the Rook skin body (female skins). Peely and The Reaper don't change into the outfits. Player spawn with 3 lives, formerly a Combat Shotgun and Tactical Assault Rfle but now a Tactical Shotgun and Assault Rifle. Players must kill opponents to get gold coins. Teams must ether get 300 coins (Duos) or 500 coins (Squads) to win the match.
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