Last Edited: December 30, 2019 at 8:26 PM
Epic Games has been hard at work over the past few days, offering Fortnite players daily Winterfest challenges and rewards. The latest challenge will require players to find various holiday tree locations and dance at the Christmas trees. Our guide will show you exactly where you need visit to complete this challenge.
There are eight different holiday tree locations that players can dance at in Fortnite - however you'll only need to visit five to complete the challenge. Thankfully, each tree is located at a named location and can be seen on the list and map below.

Even better, each of the Christmas tree locations are pretty hard to miss - as they tower over everything else. You'll also find a bunch of presents, chests, and decorations surrounding each tree just in time for the holiday season.

Be sure to bust out your favorite dance move in front of five of the eight holiday tree locations in Fortnite and you'll be good to go for this Winterfest challenge.
For more help with Winterfest challenges, be sure to check out our Fortnite Winterfest 2019 - All Challenges and Rewards guide. We will be constantly updating it throughout the event so that you'll be able to quickly move through these challenges. Also be sure that you're visiting the Winterfest Cabin to get free daily gifts.
For more Winterfest challenges, check out:
Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor with IGN. He has been writing about Fortnite since Season 9 and is loving Chapter 2. Follow him on Twitter @_andrewtsmith.