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Here's How To Tackle Fortnite Chapter 2's Week 3 Deadpool Challenges

It's Friday, which can only mean one thing: more Deadpool challenges in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2. Deadpool is a hot property right now thanks no doubt to Ryan Reynolds' pitch perfect encapsulation of the wisecracking Marvel superhero, and Epic Games is taking full advantage of that popularity.

This week, Deadpool is actually fully visible in the open in his secret bathroom hideout (last week, we could just see his feet under the closed bathroom stall door). Deadpool can be seen sitting on his epic mound of [thankfully unused] toilet paper in front of his computer. Not surprisingly, he's playing Fortnite with a controller in-hand.

If you click on the computer itself, you'll be able to scroll down the screen to Week 3. There are two Deadpool challenges this week, with the first one requiring you to find his plunger. Given Deadpool's fondness for chimichangas, we're not surprised that'd he need a plunger to get things "flowing" again.

Finding the plunger will require you to navigate to the "Agents" room, which was accessed from the Battle Pass menu. Next, choose TNTina, which will present you with an intro video for her character. You'll find the plunger on the wall right next to the refrigerator. 

Once you obtain the plunger, you'll unlock the ability to move on to the next challenge, which requires you to destroy three toilet. This one is incredibly easy to pull off, as all you need to do is hop into the game map and find a building with a bathroom inside. Smash the toilets and you've now completed both Deadpool challenges for this week.

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2 kicked off on February 20th and brought with it new Ghost and Shadow factions (each with their own hideout scattered across the map), new Agent special weapons, the highly customizable Maya skin, and a lot more to keep player interest high.

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